Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Ellimist, and I am an enthusiast of retro games, and speedrunning. So I thought, why not combine my passions, and make things available to the whole world while I am at it?

Here you will find ROM Packs, Emulator Downloads, Emulation Information, Walkthroughs, and more!

This site is more focused on completionism being able to play "every single game" rather than digital preservation at this time.

Acorn Archimedes

Acorn Electron

Apple II

Atari 800

BBC Micro

Commodore 64

Commodore VIC-20

Dragon 32/64

Exidy Sorcerer

Jupiter Ace


TRS-80 (CoCo)

TRS-80 (Model 1-4)


ZX Spectrum

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